Monday, October 3, 2011

Inspiration for my home

So, I've been seeing the word 'pinterest' floating around FACEBOOK, and my curiosity got the better of me, and I {tried} uploading the app to my phone.

The app is there, but I'm not allowed to create an account. Apparently.

Luckily, I can browse through it a little bit and collect my own little bits of inspiration that I find there to make my new house a home that I'm going to LOVE- functionally, organizationally, design-ally (what other word could I use??)

The only problem: I'd love to see what I've saved altogether, in one spot, so I can see how it looks. I'm just relying on brain power right now, and it sometimes fails me. A tangible bulletin board would be beneficial right now!


~ 101 ~ new hairstyles

~ 102 ~ catching up with old friends over peach juices at Timmie's

~ 103 ~ coming across ingenious- and SIMPLE!- ways to be organized!

~ 104 ~ qmeaaqa

~ 105 ~ # 104- it's Addisons thankful for the day!!

~ 106 ~ how happy she is to play on her own

~ 107 ~ listening to her talk. She's got the cutest voice EVER!!

~ 108 ~ ACTUALLY getting to spend the weekend with him!

~ 109 ~ one night without them- SUCH a small (much needed) blessing, but I missed them like

~ 110 ~ frequent texts- including pics and videos- of all the fun they were having with grandma K and their cousins

~ 111 ~ the way she came and lay on her belly in the kitchen (next to me) while I washed the floor this morning

~ 112 ~ watching- from the corner of my eye- her try to do the actions along with the wiggles on tv

1 comment:

  1. hey alison! send me your email address and i'll send you an invite to pinterest :)
