Wednesday, May 2, 2012

That Thing You Do

mentioned a few posts back that when it rains, it pours.

It seemed a lot of things had gone wrong that day, but thankfully of them were minor.

My kitchen faucet breaking down was one of them. My dad had kindly agreed to come out the next day to replace it for me, but due to poor weather, we waited until yesterday. I'm not sure if I mentioned in that post that its shape reminded me of a flower; if I didn't...well, it does.

What do you think?

I *LOVE* my new faucet, but we're already experiencing problems. Ugh. NOw, the water pressure totally drops when I've got the hot water on. I'm not sure what's causing it. Thankfully I don't wash many dishes anymore, thanks to my beautiful dishwasher! Most everything goes in there, including the pots. Phew!!

And, I have to share this, just because it makes me smile and shake my head.

Gaah HAHA the things they do...

25* new kitchen faucets that remind me of flowers
26* cheese stuck to patio door windows
27* picnic lunches on the deck with the kids and daddy


  1. new faucets are great- I got a new one a couple months ago- my DH uninstalled the old one (as he had to cut the bolts w/his Dremel) & I cleaned up and installed the new one. Yours does have a flower appearance I think.
    I don't think I'd have reacted the same way to the cheese on the patio doors tho- that's why God gave me 1 boy and no more I guess.

  2. I love the cheese stuck to the door. ROFLOL Just too cute! Thanks for deciding to join... I just need your email and I'll tell you more! =0)


  3. *New Follower* Great Blog! Love the cheese...
